Make a Gift

We gratefully receive and acknowledge all gifts!

Make an online gift below or see other ways to give.
Learn more about our Renew Facilities Campaign.

We would love to hear from you! Contact us by email or call 503.845.3030.

Gift Designations

Where the need is greatest

Your gifts in this category ensure that Mount Angel Abbey’s annual costs to operate the monastery, seminary, guesthouse and library will be covered. Such gifts allow the Abbot to meet specific budgetary needs as they arise.

Monastery Gift

Your gifts to the monastery at Mount Angel Abbey help support more than 50 Benedictine monks in their lives of prayer, work and ministry, including:

  • Education of monks preparing to serve as priests, seminary faculty and spiritual directors
  • Nursing care for senior monks who have devoted their lives to serving the Church
  • Maintenance of facilities, grounds, Hilltop infrastructure, and vehicles
  • Benedictine hospitality in the Saint Benedict Guesthouse and Retreat Center.

Seminary Gift

Your gifts to Mount Angel Seminary help prepare priests to minister to parishes in the United States and around the world, including:

  • Intensive spiritual and personal formation programs
  • Field training at parishes, soup kitchens, schools and prisons
  • Challenging academic instruction
  • Preaching and parish administration courses
  • Affordable room and board
  • Support for needy seminarians and dioceses.

Guesthouse Gift

Your gifts to the Saint Benedict Guesthouse and Retreat Center will help the monks welcome all guests as Christ in the tradition of Saint Benedict, as well as:

  • A peaceful sanctuary for prayer and spiritual renewal
  • Private retreats for individuals and groups
  • Public conferences and retreats
  • Spiritual direction provided by monks
  • Programs for young adults, parishes and lay groups
  • Support for guests who cannot afford a retreat


Your gifts to Mount Angel Abbey Library serve the monks, seminarians, faculty, the local community and scholars around the world, by helping to:

  • Preserve and maintain the library structure as a historic architectural gem
  • Develop the most significant theological libraries in the Pacific Northwest
  • Provide presentations, recitals, lectures, and events
  • Purchase new books, periodicals and digital resources
“To give thanks means to give expression to mutual belonging.
Genuine thanksgiving comes from the heart where we are rooted in universal belonging.”
– Br. David Steindl-Rast, O.S.B.